| Magazin

Englisch in der Patientenkommunikation Teil 9

Is my data protected?

Peter Hopkins hasn‘t been feeling well lately. He‘s been suffering from heartburn and pains in his stomach. After a thorough check-up in Dr. Schröder‘s practice he is being referred to the gastroenterology of a nearby clinic for further examination.

Peter: Dr. Schröder wants me to undergo a gastroscopy. Is this really necessary, Karin?
Karin: Yes, it is, Mr. Hopkins. Dr. Schröder can‘t perform the examination here, so you need to go to the hospital.
Peter: Do I need to take anything along with me?
Karin: Bring your health insurance card and the referral note to the hospital. Dr. Schröder will send them your patient‘ s record.
Peter: Oh, what about my data? Is it protected or can anyone get hold of it?
Karin: Nobody unauthorized can look into your medical data. We know it is sensitive and we do anything to ensure, that your data is protected.
Peter: So it remains confident, you say?
Karin: Of course. Only the health care providers are allowed to use your medical data in order to provide the best medical service possible.
Peter: If that‘s so, I‘m ok. Will I have to sign anything before the examination?
Karin: Yes, you need to sign a declaration of consent, to state that you agree to the examination and a possible biopsy.
Peter: I see. Well, it can‘t be helped, I guess.
Karin: No. You should go through the procedure as soon as possible.
Peter: All right. I call the hospital to make an appointment today. Thanks, Karin, for your support.
Karin: You are very welcome, Mr. Hopkins.


thorough – gründlich
further examination – weitere Untersuchung
gastroscopy – Gastroskopie
to perform – durchführen
health insurance card – Versichertenkarte
referral note – Überweisungsschein
patient‘s record – Krankenakte
data – Daten
protected – geschützt
to get hold of something – etwas in die Finger
unauthorized – unbefugt
sensitive – sensibel
to ensure – sicherstellen
confident – vertraulich
to be allowed to – befugt sein
to sign – unterschreiben
declaration of consent – Einwilligungserklärung

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