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Englisch in der Patientenkommunikation Teil 16

In the early afternoon Yasemin Hüyet enters the dental practice with her 14-year old daughter, Ailine. Jeanette, the medical assistant, is welcoming the patient and her parent.

Where do you come from?

Jeanette: Schönen guten Tag, was kann ich für Sie tun?
Yasemin: I‘m sorry, my German is not so good. Could we speak English, please?
Jeanette: Sure. No problem. What can I do for you?
Yasemin: I called in yesterday and made an appointment for my daughter, Ailine. She needs a regular check-up.
Jeanette: Ah, ok. This is your first time in our practice, isn‘t it?
Ailine: Yes, indeed. We have just arrived from Istanbul a week ago.
Jeanette: So, we‘ve got a bit of paper work to take care of. There is a form for your personal data, a dental history sheet and a declaration of consent. Do you own the sole custody?
Yasemin: No, my husband and I share the custody. But he is still in Turkey right now.
Jeanette: No problem. For the time being you can sign it by yourself. How old are you, Ailine?
Ailine: I‘ve just turned fourteen.
Jeanette: Ah, good. For this sort of routine check-up we don‘t need the signature of the father. So, there‘s no problem here. In case of a more serious procedure we would need the consent of the other legal guardian by signature.
Yasemin: Next time, my husband will accompany Ailine and then sign the declaration.
Jeanette: Good. So please take a seat in the waiting room and fill in the forms. If you need my help please don‘t hesitate to call me.


dental practice – Zahnarztpraxis
form – Formular
dental history sheet – Anamnesefragebogen
declaration of consent – Einwilligungserklärung
sole custody – alleiniges Sorgerecht
to share – teilen
to sign – unterschreiben
signature – Unterschrift
serious procedure – größerer Eingriff
consent – Einwilligung
legal guardian – Sorgeberechtigte/r
to accompany – begleiten
to hesitate – zögern

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