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Englisch in der Patientenkommunikation Teil 5

Handing out prescriptions

Peter Hopkins has been suffering from severe heartburn over the last couple of weeks. After his consultation with his general practitioner, Dr. Schröder, he returns to the reception.

Karin: Now, how did it go, Mr. Hopkins?
Peter: Thanks for asking, Karin. I never imagined heartburn to be such a hassle.
Karin: Yes, it‘s pretty annoying. But I can assure you, you‘re not the only one. It‘s quite common these days.
Peter: Dr. Schröder asked me to pick up my prescription.
Karin: Yes, of course. Here you are. Please hand this in at the pharmacy.
Peter: Sorry, I forgot what Dr. Schröder said about the correct usage of the medicine …
Karin: Let me have a look at your record. Ok, Dr. Schröder wants you to take 2 tablets daily. One in the morning, 15 minutes before your breakfast and one in the evening together with your meal.
Peter: Ok. How long should I ingest these tablets?
Karin: Please take this medicine until we have the results of your gastroscopy, then we‘ll see.
Peter: Do I have to pay for the tablets by myself?
Karin: With your statutory insurance you‘ll have to make a co-payment of 5 Euro at the pharmacy. By the way, Mr. Hopkins. Try to avoid coffee, sparkling water as well as alcoholic drinks and spicy food. All this might be responsible for your heartburn, you know.
Peter (laughing): Sure. I try and give my best.
Karin: Get well soon, Mr. Hopkins!


general practitioner – Allgemeinarrzt
to suffer from – leiden unter/an
heartburn – Sodbrennen
hassle – Belastung (Umgangssprache)
annoying – lästig, nervig (Umgangssprache)
common – weitverbreitet, üblich
prescription – Rezept
pharmacy – Apotheke
usage – Anwendung
daily – täglich
meal – Mahlzeit
to ingest – einnehmen
results – Ergebnisse
gastroscopy – Magenspiegelung
statutory insurance – gesetzl. Krankenversicherung
co-payment – Zuzahlung
to be responsible for – verantwortlich sein für

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