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Englisch in der Patientenkommunikation Teil 14

A female patient enters Dr. König‘s practice together with two children. One of them is crying and obviously in pain.

Where do you come from?

Karin: Guten Morgen. Was kann ich für Sie tun?
Patient: Excuse me, my German is not good. My daughter here has complaints with her teeth, I think it’s a molar and she has not eaten for two days now.
Karin: Oh, I see, could I have your health insurance card, please?
Patient: I’m afraid, I don’t have one. We arrived here just three weeks ago and the three of us live in a central shelter for refugees.
Karin: Ok. We will take care of her. So what’s your name?
Ms Nagesh: Aissatou Nagesh, Nagesh is my family name. And my daughter’s name is Rehema.
Karin: Where do you come from?
Ms Nagesh: We are from Eritrea.
Karin: So, without a chip card you need an official warrant for a treatment in our practice, in German its name is Berechtigungsschein or Behandlungsschein.
Ms Nagesh: I received some papers from a social worker in our shelter. Here, would you please take a look ...
Karin: Let me see. Yes, this is what we need, a so called Berechtigungsschein. It says that you are entitled to ask for basic treatment in any general dental practice and the state covers the costs. Good that you took everything with you, very well. Just let me start a medical file on your data and then you can see the doctor with Rehema.
Ms Nagesh: Thank god, that’s a relief. Can we also get medicine?
Karin: If your daughter needs medication I can give you a prescription after the doctor has examined your daughter. You should get everything without a co-payment.
Ms Nagesh: Thank you so much!


female – weiblich
to be in pain – unter Schmerzen leiden
complaints – Beschwerden
molar – Backenzahn
shelter for refugees – Unterkunft für Geflüchtete
to take care of – sich kümmern um
official warrant – Berechtigungsschein
treatment – Behandlung
entitled – berechtigt
to cover the costs – die Kosten übernehmen
relief – Erleichterung
prescription – Rezept
to examine – untersuchen
co-payment – Zuzahlung

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