| Magazin

Englisch in der Patientenkommunikation Teil 13

Peter Hopkins, a patient from England, is a regular patient at Dr. Schröder’s medical office due to his high blood pressure. Today he makes an important call to the practice.

Video Consultation

Peter: Hello, Karin. This is Peter Hopkins speaking.
Karin: Hello, Mr. Hopkins. What can I do for you today?
Peter: I would like to inform you, that I will be abroad for at least 6 months from next week. So I won’t be able to come by for my check-ups.
Karin: Ok. Are you planning to see another doctor while you’re away?
Peter: I’m not sure. I will be travelling a lot. Is it possible to provide me with a prescription in advance?
Karin: You’ll have to talk to Dr. Schröder about that matter. But I strongly recommend a regular consultation in your case, for example via Internet.
Peter: Do you mean a video consultation?
Karin: Yes, exactly. It’s not so uncommon nowadays. As you know, your blood pressure needs to be checked regularly. We can provide you with a small digital blood pressure monitor for self-measurement.
Peter: Oh no. I don’t think I can do this on my own.
Karin: I’m sure you can learn how to handle it after a short training in our practice. I’ll show you what to do.
Peter: If you say so.
Karin: Yes. You need to come by anyway to sign the declaration of consent for the video consultation. And then we’ll give you the dial code you need for the login.
Peter: Will it be via Skype?
Karin: (laughs) No, Mr. Hopkins. We have contracted a professional provider for this. You‘ll just need a laptop or even your smartphone and a stable Internet connection. No downloads are necessary. You will have to make appointments as usual. You get an email from the provider with the link to the platform two days before the consultation.


high blood pressure – Bluthochdruck
abroad – im Ausland
to provide – versorgen
prescription – Rezept
in advance – im Voraus
to strongly recommend – etwas stark empfehlen
video consultation – Videosprechstunde
self-measurement – Selbstmessung
to handle – umgehen mit
declaration of consent – Einwilligungserklärung
dial code – Einwahlcode
necessary – notwendig

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